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Legal Representatives

The following is a summary of the resumes of the legal representatives of BBVA Colombia (for purposes of this report, principal legal representatives are understood to be those persons who are currently published in the RNVE):

Mario Pardo Bayona – Executive President

Date of birth: June 9, 1975
Degree in Economics and Business Administration from ICADE; he joined BBVA in 2008 after accumulating more than a decade of experience in some of the world's leading investment banks, such as Lehman Brothers International and Goldman Sachs International. Since his arrival at BBVA he worked in M&A within CIB, later he assumed the role of Director of Strategy and Transformation for CIB; in 2017 he held the position of Head of Enterprise Clients within the corporate Client Solution team; as of 2020 he serves as Executive Chairman of BBVA Colombia.

Esther Dafauce Velazquez - Executive Vice President of the Financial Area

Date of birth: August 14, 1976
Professional in Administration and Business Management from Complutense University of Madrid; she has more than 20 years of national and international experience. Between 2000 and 2009, she worked as senior audit in KPMG in Spain and as Manager Audit in KPMG in Calgary. Then she entered to the BBVA group, holding the following positions: Market Audit Manager – IA, Process Audit Manager for South America and Real Estate – IA in Madrid (Spain); Internal Audit Director in BBVA Argentina; CFO in BBVA Provincial in Venezuela. Since 2019 she work in “Technical Secretariat Venezuela & Coordination Finance Latam”

Gregorio Blanco Mesa – Executive Vice President of Engineering

Date of birth: November 24, 1974
Degree in Mathematics from the University of Seville, he has been linked to BBVA for more than ten years, initially as head of the new core banking project for BBVA in the USA from Accenture, later joining the Group to lead the deployment of the new Nextgen platform for the Americas and then moving on to the role of Executive Director for Enterprise Digital Products, within the Architecture team. He currently serves as Executive Vice President of the Engineering Area.

Carlos Alberto Rodríguez López – Executive Vice President of Corporate & Investment Banking

Date of birth: March 18, 1967
Economist specialized in finance and magister in economy from “Universidad de los Andes”, with MBA from Insead de Fontainebleau, France. He has an extensive professional experience, holding the following positions: Vice President of corporative finance of ISA, Vice President International in Bancolombia and Vice President of Market Development in “Bolsa de Valores de Colombia”. As well, he held as general director of Public Credit and National Treasury of Ministry of Finance and Public Credit.

Miguel Ángel Charria Liévano - Executive Vice President, Network Management

Date of birth: January 10, 1975
Professional in Finance and Foreign Trade from “Universidad Sergio Arboleda”, he is specialized in Corporate Finance from CESA. He has also academic training in Business Management from “Universidad de la Sabana” and Risk and Credit Management from “Universidad de los Andes”. He has 25 years of experience in the national and international financial sector, he was appointed as Director of retail risk and global risk management for South America in the BBVA Group in Spain. Then he had different responsibilities in the “Fundación Microfinanzas BBVA” position that he held until march of 2017, when he return to Colombia to be the Executive President of Bancamia S.A.

Guillermo Andrés González Vargas – Executive Vice President of Client Solutions

Date of birth: September 1, 1982
Industrial Engineer from Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Master in Engineering from Universidad de los Andes, with management studies from INALDE, IESE and Wharton Business Schools, as well as diplomas in quality, projects and finance. He has more than 15 years of experience in the financial sector, all of them in BBVA where he has held different positions in the areas of Organization, Quality and Strategic Projects, he has been Director of Strategic Planning and Business Development, Director of Business Execution. He currently serves as Executive Vice President of Client Solutions.

Olga Lucía Calzada Estupiñan – Executive Vice President of Legal Services and General Secretary

Date of birth: December 10, 1962
Lawyer graduated from the Faculty of Law and Legal Sciences at the “Universidad Nacional de Colombia”, with a specialization in Financial Legislation from the “Universidad de los Andes”. With over 25 years of experience, she has held roles such as General Secretary and Legal and Compliance Vice President at Bancamía S.A., Head of the Special Legal Advisory Area at BBVA Colombia, Legal Vice President and General Secretary at Banco Granahorrar S.A., General Secretary at the “Fondo de Garantías de Instituciones Financieras” (FOGAFIN), and Legal Director at the same entity. She has also served as an advisor at the Ministries of Justice and Law, and Finance and Public Credit, and has been a board member of various financial entities. Currently, she serves as the Executive Vice President of Legal Services and General Secretary.

Alberto Parra Alonso – Executive Vice President, Talent and Culture

Date of birth: February 12, 1970
Professional in Business Science from the Vicalvaro University; with courses in Development in Management from the IESE and Coaching from the “Escuela Europea de Coaching”, Madrid. He has more than 22 years of experience in personnel management in the BBVA Group, where he has served as Personnel Manager and Human Resources Manager Spain and Portugal in BBVA Madrid. Additionally he has served as Talent and Culture Director. Since 2019 to February 2023, he was Vice President of Talent and Culture in Uruguay. He currently serves as Talent and Culture Vice President in BBVA Colombia.

Pablo Andrés García 

Date of Birth: December 1, 1980
Bachelor's degree in Economics, a Master's in Finance from Universidad del Salvador in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and an MBA in Finance from New York University. He has over 20 years of experience, having worked at Lloyd’s Bank TSB Bs As Argentina as a Retail and SME Business Officer, managing commercial relations with clients. Pablo joined the BBVA Group in 2005 at BBVA Argentina in Global Risk Management. He also worked for a year at BBVA Spain as a participant in the comprehensive credit risk and global management training program at the School of Finance. He returned to Argentina as a Senior Retail Risk Analyst. In 2010, he moved to Spain as the Global Risk Management officer for South America. In 2017, he worked in Peru as the Global RiskManagement - Risk Manager. In 2021, he was appointed Chief Risk Officer at BBVA Forum Financial Services.


Rubén Darío Núñez Mejía - Director of Premises & Services

Date of Birth:January 22, 1974
Industrial Engineer from Universidad América, with specializations in Management Systems Engineering from Universidad Javeriana, Finance, and Capital Markets from Universidad del Rosario, and a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Universidad Sergio Arboleda. With over 29 years of experience in the financial sector, he joined BBVA Colombia in 2001, where he has served as Manager of Control and Compensation, Manager of Employee Management, and currently as Director of Premises & Services.

Alexandra Romero Romero - Director of Compensation and Benefits

Date of Birth: December 10, 197
Psychologist with a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Universidad Sergio Arboleda and Northern Illinois University. She has over 28 years of experience in Human Resource Management. Since 2010, she has been with BBVA Colombia, where she has held various positions within the Talent and Culture Vice Presidency.

Luis Fernando Guzmán Chams – Northern and Western Territorial Manager

Date of birth: October 13, 1981
Professional in Business Administration from the Universidad Autónoma del Caribe, with Specialization in Senior Management from the same University, Specialization in Finance and Management of Commercial Companies from the Universidad del Norte. He has served as Branch Manager at Bancolombia S.A., Manager of Corporate Banking at Banco Corpbanca Colombia S.A. At BBVA Colombia he has served as Manager of Corporate and Institutional Banking and as Manager of the Northern and Western Territory, a position he currently holds.

Ronal Edgardo Saavedra Tamayo – Chief Operating Officer

Date of birth: December 26, 1973
Business Administrator, graduated from Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, with a Master's Degree in Business from Universidad Sergio Arboleda - Prime Business School (in process of graduation). He has extensive experience in BBVA in his 23 years of work; he has led in the Credit Factory of Individuals and operational processes in the last 5 years and currently serves as Director of Operations.

Pedro Antonio Díaz Sáenz – Legal Director Banking Business

Date of birth: July 2, 1968
Lawyer from Universidad Nacional de Colombia, with a specialization in Financial Law from Universidad del Rosario and specialist in Procedural Law from the same university, diplomas and courses in Management and conciliator. With extensive experience in the financial sector, where he has worked as a lawyer for Banco Andino, Head of Commercial Development and currently holds the position of Head of Legal Banking Business.

Néstor Orlando Prieto Ballén - Legal Director of Litigation

Date of birth: March 19, 1967
Lawyer from the Universidad Libre, with specializations in Procedural Law and Civil Law from the Universidad del Rosario, with diplomas and courses in senior management from INALDE and conciliation course from the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá. Member of the Colombian Institute of Procedural Law and University Professor. With extensive experience in the financial sector, where he has worked as a lawyer of Corporación y Vivienda Las Villas, lawyer of Banco Industrial Colombiano (later merged by Bancolombia), lawyer of Bancolombia; he currently holds the position of Head of Legal Litigation of BBVA Colombia.

William Fredy Rincón Vargas - Director of Legal Services CIB & Treasury

Date of birth: July 14, 1968
Lawyer graduated from Universidad Nacional de Colombia, with specialization in Financial Law from Universidad de los Andes and in Commercial Law from Universidad Javeriana. He has extensive professional experience in the financial, commercial and stock market sectors, in the areas of banking, investment banking, capital markets, treasury, public securities market and corporations.

María Alejandra Olivares Barrera - Director of Legal Services Development and Strategy

Date of birth: November 3, 1992
Lawyer from “Pontificia Universidad Javeriana” specialized in Financial and Stock Market from de same University. She has extensive experience in the financial sector, where she has hold as lawyer in BBVA Asset Management S.A., where she was involved in the structuring of trust business and helping the General Secretariat. In BBVA Colombia she has worked as lawyer in legal banking business in the business segment and then as a lawyer in legal counsel for the Digital Bank and for the development of new products and services. Nowadays she hold the position of Director of Legal Services Development and Strategy.

Alejandra Raquel Llerena Polo - Director of Labor Law Counsel

Date of birth: May 16, 1973
Lawyer from Universidad Externado de Colombia, with specialization in Labor Law and Industrial Relations from the same University and in Commercial Law from Universidad Santo Tomás. She has been linked to the 9th Labor Court of the circuit of Bogota, in the Central Mortgage Bank in Liquidation as an advisor on labor issues; later she was linked to SENA as a Professional in Human Management, in Colsubsidio as Head of Labor Relations and joined BBVA as a Labor Lawyer. She currently holds the position of Director of Labor Legal Counsel.

John Jairo Martínez Gómez – Market Administrator

Date of birth: August 24, 1972
Public Accountant from Universidad Santo Tomás specialized in Finance and Capital Markets at Universidad de La Sabana, with extensive experience and knowledge in the management of fixed income and derivatives portfolio valuation, accounting and investment regulations, derivatives, own position in foreign currency and treasury operational controls. He has served as Head of the Valuation Operations Department - Treasury Operations, Accounting Coordinator of the Murex Project, Accounting Coordinator of Investments, Derivatives and Foreign Currency at Banco Davivienda. Currently, he is the Manager of Market Administration.

John Jairo Reyes Garibello – Head of Recovery & Workout

Date of birth: March 20, 1976
Economist from Universidad La América with a specialization in Strategic Management from Universidad de La Sabana, with extensive experience and knowledge in the area of Risks. He has worked as a Professional in the Risk Area; Manager of Monitoring and currently serves as Director of Recovery & Workout.

Sergio Andrés Lizarazo - Head of Corporate Banking

Date of birth: July 25, 1984
Economist from Universidad de Los Andes, with a Master in Administration from Universidad Ecesi and Master of Management Tulane University. With more than 10 years of experience in the financial sector where he has held positions as Account Manager at Corpbanca Bank; Relationship Manager at Citibank, Segment Leader at Scotiabank and is currently the Director of Corporate Banking at BBVA Colombia.

Flor Edilma Duarte Méndez - Tax Management Manager

Date of birth: March 11, 1975
Public Accountant from the Universidad Politécnico Grancolombiano, with a Specialization in Tax Law from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, additionally she has a Diploma in International Financial Reporting Standards at the Universidad Sergio Arboleda. With more than 20 years of experience in the financial sector where she has held positions such as Tax Assistant at Banco Nacional del Comercio, in BBVA Colombia she has worked as Analyst for the Tax Advisory Area, Professional for the Tax Advisory and Tax Management Area, Head of the Tax Information Team, currently she is the Tax Management Manager.

Diego Felipe Riveros – Head of Wealth Management

Date of birth: January 27, 1972
Industrial Engineer from Universidad de Los Andes, with a specialization in Finance and a Master's Degree in Administration from the same University. He has more than 20 years of experience in the financial sector, where he has served as Quality Manager, Operations Manager, Foreign Product Manager, Investment Manager, Vice President of Investments, Vice President of Wealth Management and Vice President of Wealth and Insurance at Citibank Group; at Scotiabank Colpatria he was Insurance and Private Banking Manager and at Scotia Securities he was General Manager; again at Scotiabank he was Wealth Management Manager; currently he is the Director of Wealth Management at BBVA Colombia.

Diana Carolina Del Mar Ramírez López – Director of SDA Strategy and Data CIB

Date of birth: December 4, 1982
Economist with master in Economy from Universidad de los Andes and MBA from London Business School. She has experience in strategic design, asset and liabilities management in financial entities, macroeconomic analysis and economic consultancy to foreign and local investors related to economics and investment strategy. She has extensive experience in the financial sector, where she has hold as Chief of economics research in Santander, Colombia; Financial Institutions Group (FIG) Associate in Santander, New York and LatAm FX strategist in Morgan Stanley in New York.

Natalia Martínez Simmonds - Head of Global Transactional Banking

Date of birth: April 23, 1975
Degree in business administration from Universidad Del Rosario with emphasis in finance. She has develop a success career of more than 17 years in BBVA, mostly in Transaction Banking Global team, and before in Global Markets. Currently she holds the position of Head of Global Transactional Banking in BBVA Colombia.

Mónica Osorno Chaparro - Director of Institutional Banking

Date of birth: June 3, 1978
Economist of the “Universidad de Buenaventura” with financial specialization program of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and MBA of the Universidad Sergio Arboleda. She has 21 years of experience in BBVA Colombia, where she has served as Institutional and Corporate Banking Executive and Corporate Banking Manager. Currently she is Director of Institutional Banking.

Mario Alberto Sánchez Páez – Director of Financial Management

Date of birth: November 8, 1985
Business Administrator and Economist from Universidad de los Andes, with an Executive Master's in Quantitative Finance and a seminar from the CIB Sustainability Leadership Program at The Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment at the University of Oxford. With over 20 years of experience at BBVA Colombia, where he has worked as an Analyst in the Assets and Liabilities Committee, Market Risk Manager, and Global Market Structurer, among other roles; he currently serves as the Director of Financial Management at BBVA Colombia.

José Nicolás Gómez Vallejo – Director of Global Market Colombia

Date of birth: October 18, 1983
Economist from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana with over 15 years of experience in the financial sector. He has held positions such as Investment Manager and Corporate Distribution Desk Director at Banco de Occidente. At BBVA Colombia, he has served as the Director of Treasury Networks and currently holds the position of Director of Global Markets Colombia.