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Other information of interest

Become acquainted about data allied to the human capital and social management, and the supply-suppliers chain arrangement.

Learn about data related to the Bank's management in different areas

At BBVA, our employees are the cornerstone of our internal culture. Thanks to our team, our cultural values defined by the Group, principles, and practices, we have continued to make progress in transformation

Campaign Workers Development

Throughout 2021, BBVA Colombia reach the promotion of the 27% of the collaborators, guaranteeing gender equality, where 13% of the workers corresponds to the female gender, and the other 14% to the male gender.

Campaign Workers Development

In BBVA Colombia, more than 490 employees were promoted in 2023, 54% of whom were women. 
Promotions 2023

Employee turnover rate

In BBVA Colombia, more than 490 employees were promoted in 2023, 54% of whom were women.

Long-term incentives for employees

The bank will recognize a seniority bonus for employees who complete 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 years of service, as follows:

For employees who complete 30, 35 and 40 years in the company, an additional vacation period and an additional vacation bonus are awarded.

Human Capital Management (PDF)

Trend of Employee Wellbeing

At BBVA, we are committed to the well-being of our employees. We conduct regular surveys to measure the level of engagement and satisfaction, ensuring that a high proportion of our team has a positive experience and a high level of well-being. This information allows us to continuously improve our work environment and support our employees effectively.

At BBVA , we have implemented a comprehensive Occupational Health and Safety Management System to comply with current legal regulations and ensure a safe working environment for our employees.

Accident indicators by gender in (CORTE) 2023

Work Accidents 2023

No. of Employees

Absenteeism 2023

Days of Incapacity

Staff selection and attraction policy

Policy available in spanish. Review it here

BBVA integrates the principles of its policies into its relationship with the supply chain and suppliers, providing complete and transparent information in the procurement processes.

Get acquainted of the Supply and Vendors chain arrangement in BBVA Colombia

Supply and Vendors chain arrangement (PDF)

BBVA considers that the key of the future in an increasingly globalized world, is in reconciling the economic, social and environmental dimensions in an harmonic and balanced sustainable development model.

In order to integrate the environmental factors in our strategy, our management and our activity, BBVA Colombia has a policy called “Política de Gestión Ambiental” that has integral nature that reflects the commitment of our group with the respect to the environment and the efficiency in the use of natural resources in all the aspects of our activity.

A commitment based on the belief that it is possible to reconcile economic activity and sustainable development. That belief is reflected in a responsible behavior with the natural environment  of all our collaborators.

Review our Policy and other documents that we have available in spanish here

Energy consumption

For BBVA Colombia, efficient energy management is a growing commitment, a challenge that led it to define the energy model, establishing goals related to the direct operation of its facilities, around energy savings and the use of clean energies with less environmental impact.


Renewable energy: Since 2021, 100% of the energy consumed in the facilities is compensated through the purchase of renewable energy certificates (IRECs) that guarantee zero emissions and thus compliance with the renewable energy target set in the PGE for 2025 in anticipation of meeting the 2030 target. Of the more than 18 million kw/h consumed in 2023, 15 thousand have been certified and we are awaiting the closing of the year's figures to certify 100% of our energy.

Total energy consumption





Total renewable energy consumption (MWh)





Data coverage (as % of denominator)






Waste and pollutants

Waste management: In 2023, together with its strategic allies, BBVA Colombia managed 11.8 tons of waste, of which 98% corresponded to usable waste, thus contributing to comprehensive waste management in the country. Its objective is to strengthen the use of waste generated in its operation, ensuring that non-usable waste is properly managed through its final disposal or appropriate treatment according to its characteristics. In this way, it helps to ensure that the "respel" (hazardous waste) generated with potential for recovery can be recovered and reintegrated into the production chain.





Total waste recycled/reused (tonnes)





Total waste disposed (tonnes)





Waste incinerated with energy recovery (tonnes)




Waste otherwise disposed, please (tonnes)





Data coverage (as % of denominator)







In the search for efficient water use, the Bank implemented a utility management tool for the measurement of water service. The objective is to periodically monitor consumption in order to detect leaks, overcharges and incorrect measurements. This makes it possible to implement corrective actions to prevent and reduce deviations, as well as to monetize savings in this service.





A. Water withdrawal (excluding saltwater) m3





Water discharge (excluding saltwater) m3





Total net fresh water consumption m3






Data coverage (as % of denominator)





Environmental Incidents and Fines: In 2023, BBVA Colombia reported no environmental incidents and did not receive any requirements or fines from environmental authorities.  

At BBVA, achieving superior risk management capability is a key element in fostering growth.


Technological risk due to potential vulnerabilities arising from continuous digital innovation

Increased severity of extreme weather phenomena, such as cyclones and floods cyclones and floods


Possibility that the Bank may suffer negative financial, business, capital or reputational impacts arising from inadequate information technology and processing, in terms of availability, integrity, authenticity and confidentiality. New threats such as cyber-attacks, theft of internal and customer databases, fraud in payment systems, etc., which require significant investments in security from both the technological and human point of view.

Reduced revenues due to reduced production capacity (e.g., transportation difficulties or supply chain interruptions).

Direct losses due to damage to assets (BBVA and customers) Increased insurance costs


Loss of customers and business opportunities, damage to computers and systems, breach of data protection and/or other regulations, exposure to litigation, fines, sanctions or interventions, loss of confidence in the Group's security measures, damage to its reputation, reimbursements and compensation and additional compliance costs

Reduced revenues due to reduced production capacity (e.g., transportation difficulties or supply chain interruptions).

Direct losses due to damage to assets (BBVA and customers) Increased insurance costs

Mitigating actions

The Bank implements measures to ensure the security of its systems and protect the confidential information of its users, preventing the occurrence of cyber attacks that compromise the privacy and trust of its stakeholders.

In addition to the practices and methodologies used in the BBVA Group, BBVA Colombia has worked on the implementation of the Environmental and Social Risk Management System (SARAS), hand in hand with the IFC. In 2023 the Bank included SARAS in its General Sustainability Policy and the approval of the General Environmental and Social Risk Standard by the Risk Management Committee - RMC, which establishes a comprehensive management framework that includes policies, standards, procedures, tools and mechanisms for the identification, categorization, evaluation, control, monitoring and follow-up of environmental and social risks that could be generated by projects, works, activities and customers to whom financing is granted and that may result in financial, reputational, credit, market and civil liability risks for BBVA Colombia.

Contributions & Other Spending


FY 2020

FY 2021

FY 2022

FY 2023

Lobbying, interest representation or similar





Local, regional or national political campaigns / organizations / candidates





Trade associations or tax-exempt groups (e.g. think tanks)





Other (e.g. spending related to ballot measures or referendums)





Total contributions and other spending





Data coverage (as % of denominator, indicating the organizational scope of the reported data)





Largest Contributions & Expenditures


The Colombian Banking and Financial Institutions Association, Asobancaria, is the most representative association of the Colombian financial sector, a non-profit entity, established on August 31, 1936, of indefinite duration and governed by private law.

COP 3.688


National Business Association of Colombia is a non-profit organization whose main purpose is to expand and promote economic, social and political principles within a free enterprise system, based upon beliefs that include human dignity, political democracy, social justice, private property and liberty. ANDI is, currently, the country’s most important non-profit organization with more than 1.500 members that represent around 50 % of the national GDP.

COP 230


Camacol is a national non-profit trade association that brings together companies and individuals related to the construction value chain at the national level. The rationale for creating Camacol was the need to create an entity that would look after the interests of the construction industry and that would be made up of builders, industry and trade representatives.

COP 136

The Private Competitiveness Council 

The Private Competitiveness Council (CPC) is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to contribute directly in the articulation of strategies, which in the short, medium and long term, allow to achieve significant improvements in the level of competitiveness of Colombia.

The Private Competitiveness Council serves as an articulator and interlocutor between the public sector, the private sector, academia and other organizations interested in the promotion of competitiveness and related public policies.

COP 135


AFIC is the union that brings together and represents the interests of its members, linking them with those of the financial sector and the development of the country. It acts as a management and support guild, representing its members before public and private organizations.  The credibility and trust placed in each of its efforts allows it to reach government agencies and organizations related to the financial sector, in a direct and timely manner.

COP 59

*figures in million COP 
Since 2004, BBVA has adhered to the Equator Principles (EP), which include a series of standards for managing environmental and social risk in project finance. The EPs were developed based on the International Finance Corporation's (IFC) Policy and Performance Standards on Social and Environmental Sustainability and the World Bank's General Guidelines on Environment, Health and Safety. These principles have become the benchmark standard for responsible financing.

Via 40

Project Sofia

The Project is the concession of the Government of Colombia, acting through the Agencia Nacional de Infraestructura or ANI (the “Owner”), for the design, build, finance, operate and maintain agreement of the existing Bogota-Girardot toll road. The Project involves upgrading and operation. The Project is part of Colombia’s primary road network and it is located along the Bogotá – Buenaventura Corridor, which connects the center, west and south regions of the country. 

To date, the Sponsor has been working in two activities to address gender diversity, equality and inclusion. One is strengthening women’s organization initiatives to develop entrepreneurial activities. The other entails an equal gender opportunity hiring program across different levels of the organization.

The project is financing of the expansion of the Puerto de Buenaventura Aguadulce. Sociedad Puerto Industrial Aguadulce (“SPIA”) is a joint-venture terminal with a capacity of 600,000 containers per year, located in the Port of Buenaventura, in Buenaventura District, Valle del Cauca Department, Colombia. The terminal is a multipurpose port with two (2) terminals under

one environmental license. The first terminal is a cargo terminal and the second one is a bulk cargo terminal for coal and other raw materials

Based on the investigation performed by ANLA in February 2020, the Buenaventura Bay is located within four (4) ecosystems: marine (34414 Ha – 8%), cost (25498 Ha – 6%), aquatic (15182 Ha – 4%) and terrestrial (334405 Ha – 82%). Regarding flora, there are mangrove and tropical rainforest. Additionally, the Project is located within Choco Biogeographic, one of the regions with the major diversity of the world with 778 species of birds, 180 species of mammals, 188 species of reptiles and 137 species of amphibia. 

The report mentioned that “Buenaventura and the surrounding Pacific territories are exposed to violence from criminal gangs and armed groups that fight for this area, where state neglect is evident, and which is strategic for the exit to the sea of illicit substances and contraband, in addition to being the main port for goods in the Colombian Pacific”.  The review of this risk revealed that as a result of SPIA's physical security team and established protocols for monitoring the security of the area with the public forces, there are low risks associated with crime and social instability in this specific location (SPIA infrastructure). 

Corporate Finance


Monetary Value FY 2023

Green loans, social loans, sustainable loans


Sustainability-linked corporate loans


Total value of corporate lending


Total sustainable value


Percentage of total sustainable value over total value


Consumer Finance


Monetary Value FY 2023

Sustainable loans and mortgages


Total value of personal and mortgage lending


Percentage of total sustainable value over total value


SME Lending


Monetary Value FY 2023

Sustainable SME loans


Total value of SME lending


Percentage of total sustainable value over total value


BBVA Colombia plays an important role in contributing to the country's development and well-being through initiatives and programs that promote sustainable progress. With a comprehensive approach, the Bank has not only dedicated itself to improving its financial services to make them simpler and more accessible, but has also actively worked to address the challenges of inequality, injustice and poverty facing Colombia. Below are several figures that show the positive impact on some group to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth.

Women-owned SMEs

Small farmers

POS (Point of sales) Link Loan

Financing to small and medium-sized enterprises led by women, which meet a minimum 30% shareholding and/or female legal representation.

Number of clients reacherd 280 Number of transactions 350 

Investment 165.897 MM COP

We finance small, low-income farmers through companies that integrate farmers' agricultural production into their value chains

Number of clients reacherd 19 

Number of transactions 19 

Investment 88.512 MM COP

POS Link Loan allows SMEs clients to acquire a short term loan through the digital channel, this loan takes into account their average monthly sales (last 6 months), with a maximum term of 120 days and with daily installment payments of capital..

Number of clients reacherd 764 Number of transactions 1406

Sustainability at the core of BBVA's strategy

Encouraging new business through sustainability

Sustainable business channel  

Target 2025
300 MM€

185 MM€

Achieving Zero Net Emissions by 2050

Setting and managing decarbonization targets for 2030 


  • Oil and Gas
  • Mobile
  • Cement
  • Electricity generation
  • Steel
  • Carbon


76% of the loan portfolio portfolio corresponds to clients who are progressing in their transition¹. 

For BBVA, one of the most important elements is to have an adequate communication between the teams in charge of attending the different stages of the incident, for which, timely reporting, involving whoever is considered necessary and escalating depending on the severity or specialty of the teams is fundamental to ensure the correct coordination of the response processes.In addition, there is an Internal Discipline and Administrative-Labor Measures Committee, which resolves disciplinary processes whose facts are related, among others, to irregularities detected in the area of operations, possible fraud, violation of BBVA regulations and negligence in the performance of duties.

Other information of interest

Security Incident Management

The following are the positions involved in the incident management process depending on thedepending on the magnitude of the incident:

First Level

  • Soc ColombiaGlobal CertMonitoring Colombia
  • Cybersecurity Support
  • User Management Colombia

Second Level:

  • Cybersecurity Manager
  • Head of security operations

Third Level:

  • Director I&O
  • Director of corporate security (CISO)
  • Chief security officer (CISO)

Fourth Level:

  • Head Of Engineering ADS - Engineering & HOD

Incident response

Strategic-level drills are conducted on an annual basis to raise awareness, educate and train the response to a cybersecurity incident under tabletop dynamics.


Within the incident management cycle, one of the most important elements is to have an adequate communication between the teams in charge of attending the different stages of the incident, for which, timely reporting, involving whoever is considered necessary and escalating depending on the severity or specialty of the teams is fundamental to ensure the correct coordination of the response processes

The General Information Security and Cybersecurity Policy is aimed at protecting the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information throughout its life cycle (generation, processing, storage and destruction), regardless of the means of access (in corporate buildings, offices, other facilities through teleworking, etc.) internally; or in outsourced services to suppliers.

In addition, there is an Internal Discipline and Administrative-Labor Measures Committee, which resolves disciplinary processes whose facts are related, among others, to irregularities detected in the area of operations, possible fraud, violation of BBVA regulations and negligence in the performance of duties. 

Vulnerability analysis

scans are performed on IT systems with the Qualys Vulnerability Management (VM) tool, in addition to the RBVM software risk and vulnerability intelligence platform, which accurately measures risk and prioritizes remediation efforts before an attacker can take advantage of weaknesses.Additionally, the following services are available:

1. Ethical hacking: technical review of applications 

2. Hound: External perimeter analysis

3. Internal Pentesting: Analysis of internal perimeter.

4. On demand Ethical Hacking: Technical review on demand

5. On demand Hound analysis and internal PentestingIn addition, there is an Internal Discipline and Administrative-Labor Measures Committee, which resolves disciplinary processes whose facts are related, among others, to irregularities detected in the area of operations, possible fraud, violation of BBVA regulations and negligence in the performance of duties. In addition, there is an Internal Discipline and Administrative-Labor Measures Committee, which resolves disciplinary processes whose facts are related, among others, to irregularities detected in the area of operations, possible fraud, violation of BBVA regulations and negligence in the performance of duties. In addition, there is an Internal Discipline and Administrative-Labor Measures Committee, which resolves disciplinary processes whose facts are related, among others, to irregularities detected in the area of operations, possible fraud, violation of BBVA regulations and negligence in the performance of duties. In addition, there is an Internal Discipline and Administrative-Labor Measures Committee, which resolves disciplinary processes whose facts are related, among others, to irregularities detected in the area of operations, possible fraud, violation of BBVA regulations and negligence in the performance of duties. In addition, there is an Internal Discipline and Administrative-Labor Measures Committee, which resolves disciplinary processes whose facts are related, among others, to irregularities detected in the area of operations, possible fraud, violation of BBVA regulations and negligence in the performance of duties.